beardie sleeping all the time

by par
(calgary alberta)

Our adult female beardie is not waking up unless we wake her up by a bath. We don't know what to do 😞 her breathing is good normal her skin is normal eyes are normal gums beautiful don't know. So 😖 confused....

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Apr 30, 2015
by: Anonymous

He or she could be hibernating. If you have a female she will go into hibernation longer -ours will sleep the whole winter and wake up in March or April. Just check to make sure she is breathing if your worried take her to a vet or him -best of luck.

Apr 25, 2015
Right UVA/UVB bulb?
by: Andy

Does she have the right UVA/UVB bulb? Is she able to get within the proper distance to the bulb to be able to absorb the light? Is the temp of the basking spot at the right temps?

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