Resourcefull solar system

My story directly relates to the creativity that children have. Children do not get tired by obstacles and have the do-it-yourself gene. My school project was to build a solar system
with everyday items. Even though my parents had lots of ideas for the material but they could not get out of their profession scope. That for me meant a big budget. I went in my room and
start tossing a tennis ball against the wall and then catching it again. It was when I missed the catch that the brilliant idea hit me- literally!! I could feel the pain all I was thinking “of
course the ball!” I went down started with it immediately. I cut the balls and pasted them on the sheet. 5 balls and lot of glue later, I had the perfect model that just required paint. When I went to class with the model all I could think was creativity really does not require much, just a bump on the head.

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