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I don't know what your name is but I want to assure you everything is alright.take your bearded dragon to a vet just to make sure. If nothing is wrong
My bearded dragon has shown quite an interest in dandelion greens. If you live in the country or even the suburbs, then honestly all you have to do is
My Beardie isn't really eating since I changed his surroundings... I got him a month ago with sand , dome rock, wood perch and a mirror as background.
Our adult female beardie is not waking up unless we wake her up by a bath. We don't know what to do 😞 her breathing is good normal her skin is normal
Well I went downstairs and my little bearded dragon was orange so I tapped gently on the glass and he did not respond like he does, what does this mean
Which pet lizard is right for you? Plus, an easy guide to
Continue reading "Lizard care, and fake rock wall landscapes"
So bought a baby bearded dragon from pet co. They didn't tell me how to care for him. Nor did they give me a care sheet. He's only about five inches long.
Last year I didn't make a good 6 years pirate party for my kid. This year, and with low budget I decided to make things a little better. Put my hands to
We'll my problem is that it's my first time being a bearded dragon owner.. And we'll I purchased a juvenile a month ago and he's been doing well until